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Adoptable Dogs

Igor aka Eeyore

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Meet Eeyore! I know I know, his rescue name says Igor but I thought Eeyore fit better because when he first arrived he was in rough shape and walked around with his head down like a sad boy and it reminded me of Eeyore. He was found as a stray so the rescue doesn’t have any way of knowing what exactly happened to him, but one of his eardrums was blown and he was moving funny and walking in circles. His eardrum has since healed but he likely has some brain damage from the trauma of whatever caused the blown eardrum. His legs and brain don’t always seem to communicate smoothly with each other which causes him to move a bit differently and sometimes he will lose his balance and just kind of roll over or get stuck.
Don’t worry though, he gets around pretty great on his own and he can even do small sets of stairs with no issue! He is also on a joint supplement that has made a difference in his comfort and mobility so he will need to keep taking that in his forever home. Eeyore loves all humans but small ones would be too much for him in a home as quick movements and loud noises can cause him to startle easily.

He wouldn’t mind a home with an easy going, chill dog who will coexist with him, but he would also be very happy as an only boy. He has done well in his foster home with the other dogs but his weird movements can make some dogs nervous and he doesn’t pick up on social cues well. He would need to be fed separately from other dogs as he is way too excited about meals and feeding time.

Unfortunately cats are a no no with this guy. He finds them more snack than friend.

He is crate trained and loves having a space of his own to hang out in. It also keeps him safe when humans aren’t home so he doesn’t get stuck somewhere or potentially hurt himself, and it is also a great space for him to eat his food away from other animals. He does not require much exercise at all as he is a pretty lazy guy and lots of walking is a lot for his brain and body. He does like to go for short strolls and sniffy time outside though.

Overall he is a pretty easy going guy who loves naps, food, and his humans. Eeyore is such a special boy and you really have to meet him to truly understand just how goofy, loving, and happy he is. He makes me laugh every single day and he brings so much joy. I am so excited he is finally ready to start looking for his forever home. I know he is going to be the perfect dog for someone who can really appreciate all of his quirkiness!

Adoption Fee is Waived


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Meet Bobby, Bob, Bobbert, Ricky Bobby

This boy is super special to all of us. He came to us in July of 2022 from a rescue in North Dakota. He had been on the run for over 1 year and once someone finally caught him they realized he had an embedded collar. He also didn’t want to interact with humans at all. He was never aggressive, but never really liked being around his canine friends instead. The rescue wanted him to get more hands on attention along with treatment of his neck wound.

Once he got to us it was clear he was not interested in any of us. We set him up in a 5×10 kennel with bedding, food, water and potty pads. We simply went in to clean and feed/water him 3-4 times a day. We never interacted with him. Just left his medications in his food. This went on for 9 straight weeks. His foster mom would sit with him some days and read or scan Facebook while talking to him but never trying to touch him. Eventually she started tossing him treats and he would come closer and closer. Finally he liked head scratches. Thankfully then day came she could get a leash on him and they would take slow, short trips out to the fenced yard.

Once Bobby was comfortable enough in his environment to be handled and moved around, he started going to a local doggie day care for socialization. He LOVES other dogs and will always need at least one with him. The dogs really helped bring him out of his shell. 1 day a week turned to a couple and then everyday. He learned so much there and we are forever grateful that he had the opportunity.

Fast forward to the present. Bobby isn’t the same dog he was when he came to us. He will always be shy and weary of strangers and new things, but he is one of the happiest dogs you will ever meet. He hasn’t met a dog he doesn’t like. When we find him his forever home, they will need to have a fenced yard. They will also need to understand that in the beginning he will need to drag a leash at all times until he learns to trust his new owner completely. He is such a goofy boy and sometimes he likes to play games and play keep away even in his own yard.

Bobby is house trained and crate trained. He seems to do fine with cats as well. He is fine with kids but he doesn’t like loud noises and he startles easily so older kids would be best. We know he is not your “move in ready” dog but he sure is the best and if you ask anyone in our organization, they say he deserves the best and just wants someone to love his weirdo self! We estimate him to be around 4 years old and he is about 45#. His breeds are completely unknown but we will update once his DNA test comes in!

Adoption fee is: $350


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A beautiful Husky – Shep – Shar Pei mix whose not quite sure of the world yet! Here’s what you gotta know about this funny fella!

  • Good with dogs but very inappropriate with boundaries and does not read social queues, particularly with other males.
  • Has some basic obedience but requires training on most other aspects.
  • LOVES humans and forms bonds very quickly
  • Displays a lot of fear towards new things or environments, lots of life introductions required.
  • Unlikely to be good with cats, but likely to be good with older kids

Tyrell is a spunky, playful guy who’s not been given a proper start to life. Let’s show him that the world’s not so scary and get him a home.

Adoption fee waived


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Meet Rory! Well again… this is her official “I am adoptable” post

Originally she was a stray that came into animal control. She was never claimed and while she was there they noticed she was walking funny. We had a suspicion right when we saw her that we knew it was a spinal issue. We committed to her knowing she was going to be a spendy pup! We were able to get Rory in to see our Neurologist and they confirmed our thoughts. She had a spinal defect called a Subarachnoid Diverticulum. This is where there is a fluid bubble pressing on the spinal cord. She needed to have surgery right away to make sure she kept the ability to walk and function. Since surgery, she has been recovering nicely in foster care.

Rory is the sweetest, snuggliest little girly around! She is currently working hard in physical therapy to help the signal from her brain reach her legs a little faster and work on strength and coordination, but in the few weeks she’s been in my home, she’s already made great improvements!

Rory is working on potty training but currently wears a diaper as she lacks a little control with urination. She seems to do great going out on a schedule, and will go potty when I ask her to “Go potty!”. But she doesn’t seem to be able to sense when she NEEDS to go, so she does not tell me when she needs to go outside. But, with a schedule, this is easily managed.
Rory does GREAT in a kennel. She sleeps in a kennel at night, and she often chooses to seek out her kennel for a nap or just to chew on a bone.

She is also great with other dogs. Sometimes, our other resident dogs get frustrated with her lack of coordination, often leading to her stomping on them by accident. They typically handle this well, but something to note if she is going to a home with other dogs.
She has also spent time in a foster home with cats as well and does well.

Otherwise, Rory is a typical puppy working on her manners. We have been working through jumping up on people, waiting at the door, and for her food. Some of these tasks are harder for her to maintain her self-control than others 🙂

She will continue to finish out her PT program before adoption and she will be spayed at the end of the month. Once that is complete she will be able to go to her forever family. She will also have the continued support of her current foster mom who happens to work at the clinic that does the PT.

Adoption fee waived


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Meet Sony!

This sweet girl came to us last spring in terrible condition. She hardly had any hair and she had very deep infections all over her body. It took us most of the summer just to treat the resistant bacterial infection she had. Once we got a handle on that, we needed to determine the cause of the infection. She has been seeing a board-certified dermatologist.

We did a deep dive into allergy tests and determined that she has significant environmental allergies. This means that she doesn’t have to have special food. It also means things outside of anyone’s control causes her skin to flare up. To fix that, she gets once-a-month injections of a medicine that is specifically made for her. You get them refilled at the dermatologist every 6 to 8 months and the injections break down to about $40-$50 per month.

Sony LOVES her doggie friends. She would love to play away the day and then spend her evenings cuddling up with her humans. She has always wanted as much attention as she can get.

She is crate-trained and house-trained. She is also currently enrolled in a Dog School of Minnesota training class. She spends the whole day on Mondays and Wednesdays. Her trainer works on leash work and impulse control. She has made AMAZING strides. She works best on a prong collar when she goes out in public or for walks. She is trained to the electronic collar as well but rarely needs it. At home, she doesn’t wear anything.

We know someone will be so happy to add this girl to their family. She has not been around cats but we can arrange cat testing if you are truly interested in her.

Adoption fee waived


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Meet Burke 💚

A floppy eared hunk 😍 This high-energy Pitbull gets along great with dogs. He is working on learning his puppy boundaries. He’s new to the 2nd Chance to Shine program so training has been minimal but we know he will improve with structure. Here’s what you gotta know about Burke baby 🐾

🐶 Great with dogs!
🐱 Unsure about cats, but he’s a curious boy who doesn’t know his own strength!
👩‍👦‍👦 N0 ⚠️ young kids for the same reason as cats
🏠 Fenced in yard recommended. High energy and loves to run and play, but it’s not required!
🚽 Crate trained, potty trained, and leash trained. Some obedience but future training is REQUIRED. Keeps a clean kennel!
🤼 THRIVES in a fast paced, attention filled lifestyle. He needs to play, wrestle, or run everyday!

Burke is a big boy weighing in around 70# but he is a little behind on learning his manners. He is not even a year old, just 10 months. He was originally a stray and was never claimed. He ended up at Hawk Creek Animal Shelter and when Nutella moved there, we took him in return so he could receive some training. The folks at 2nd Chance to Shine are helping him learn to be a good boy. He has shown no aggression but he has been mouthy because this is how he shows his frustration. That is what they are working on now along with leash manners. He truly is a great boy and will make an amazing canine companion. Currently he is just a big lug who doesn’t know his own size. We will continue to update as we learn more.

Adoption fee waived