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Testicular Vasculitis: Tator Tot

Meet Tator Tot ❤

He came into our partner clinic recently when his previous owners noticed an extremely swollen scrotum. They did not have the funds to pursue any options and were looking into euthanasia. We were happy to step in and get him the care he needed. He needed emergency surgery to remove his entire scrotum. We had it sent to the lab for testing and they are still working on full results but it looks like there saw some type of severe infection that caused the tissue to start dying and cut off the blood supply.
When we took over his care he was in real danger. He was bruising everywhere because his platelets were so low. He was rushed to surgery and then he was placed on fluids and started on Vitamin K to help with the platelet issue.

Thankfully he recovered nicely. His surrendering owners were actually the breeder of his parents and they had sold him as a puppy. Recently they had taken him back when the buyer couldn’t care for him. He has some skin allergies as well. Long term he should not need anything special.

He is sweeter than pie and he just wants to please everyone. He is a Husky/Shepherd mix. He is about 60# and 11 months old. He will make someone an amazing companion.

Cost for care: $1000

Heather Fraser

Author Heather Fraser

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