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Igor aka Eeyore

By September 6, 2024 Adoptable Dogs

Meet Eeyore! I know I know, his rescue name says Igor but I thought Eeyore fit better because when he first arrived he was in rough shape and walked around with his head down like a sad boy and it reminded me of Eeyore. He was found as a stray so the rescue doesn’t have any way of knowing what exactly happened to him, but one of his eardrums was blown and he was moving funny and walking in circles. His eardrum has since healed but he likely has some brain damage from the trauma of whatever caused the blown eardrum. His legs and brain don’t always seem to communicate smoothly with each other which causes him to move a bit differently and sometimes he will lose his balance and just kind of roll over or get stuck.
Don’t worry though, he gets around pretty great on his own and he can even do small sets of stairs with no issue! He is also on a joint supplement that has made a difference in his comfort and mobility so he will need to keep taking that in his forever home. Eeyore loves all humans but small ones would be too much for him in a home as quick movements and loud noises can cause him to startle easily.

He wouldn’t mind a home with an easy going, chill dog who will coexist with him, but he would also be very happy as an only boy. He has done well in his foster home with the other dogs but his weird movements can make some dogs nervous and he doesn’t pick up on social cues well. He would need to be fed separately from other dogs as he is way too excited about meals and feeding time.

Unfortunately cats are a no no with this guy. He finds them more snack than friend.

He is crate trained and loves having a space of his own to hang out in. It also keeps him safe when humans aren’t home so he doesn’t get stuck somewhere or potentially hurt himself, and it is also a great space for him to eat his food away from other animals. He does not require much exercise at all as he is a pretty lazy guy and lots of walking is a lot for his brain and body. He does like to go for short strolls and sniffy time outside though.

Overall he is a pretty easy going guy who loves naps, food, and his humans. Eeyore is such a special boy and you really have to meet him to truly understand just how goofy, loving, and happy he is. He makes me laugh every single day and he brings so much joy. I am so excited he is finally ready to start looking for his forever home. I know he is going to be the perfect dog for someone who can really appreciate all of his quirkiness!

Adoption Fee is Waived
Tyler Supernaw

Author Tyler Supernaw

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